- Salt lake City has not had a republican mayor in 3 decades. How crazy is that?
- To have a great day, all you have to do is get a great hair cut. Unfortunately there is just so many times you can do that before you stop getting any compliments. Incidentally, compliment is how half of my students spell complement no matter how many times I correct them.
Tuesday, October 23, 2007
Two things I learned today
Friday, August 03, 2007
Couple of things
After being way too hot for way too long, "I" finally installed the swamp cooler in the house. It feels great.
There is a new gadget out there that I want. I just have to figure out where to get it. It measures your electricity consumption constantly. In dollars. People freak out when they realize how much they spend, so they start shutting things off :)
Speaking of energy. This morning on NPR they were talking to some random people who want to get on government case to develop alternative energy sources. So, that's great. One thing that slightly bugs me is their reason for that. It is "We're too dependent on foreign oils". I guess whatever works.
Thursday, July 05, 2007
June 13 -- we arrived to SLC:
13: 88 | 55
14: 90 | 61
15: 93 | 60
16: 100 | 62
17: 83 | 65
18: 80 | 50
19: 93 | 57
20: 98 | 67
21: 95 | 64
22: 98 | 62
23: 94 | 69
24: 93 | 71
25: 86 | 60
26: 89 | 57
27: 97 | 63
28: 99 | 68
29: 100 | 69
30: 95 | 60
1: 98 | 61
2: 99 | 61
3: 94 | 64
4: 97 | 64
5 Forecast: 101 | 68
6 Forecast: 102 | 70
7 Forecast: 101 | 67
Tuesday, May 29, 2007
Christian Science Monitor?
Monday, May 21, 2007
Thursday, May 03, 2007
The Mormons, Part II
Monday, April 30, 2007
The Mormons
Wednesday, April 18, 2007
Investigators said Cho procured one of the guns he used in the rampage, a Walther .22-caliber pistol, Feb. 9 from a pawnshop on Main Street in Blacksburg near the Virginia Tech campus.
On March 16, he bought the second gun, a 9mm Glock 19, from Roanoke Firearms, a gun shop on Cove Road in Roanoke.
He used his driver's license as identification and had no problem buying the guns because he was complying with Virginia law, which permits the purchase of one gun a month, investigators said.
Then we have Q&A session from the White House:
Q Dana, going back to Virginia Tech, what more does this White House think needs to be done as it relates to gun issues? The President says current laws need to be strengthened, anything beyond that -- you had a conference on school violence with guns -- what more needs to be done?
MS. PERINO: I would point you back to the fact that President, along with Secretary Spellings, hosted last October -- October 10, 2006 -- a conference on school gun violence after the Amish school shooting and the other shootings that had happened, because the tragedies are the ones that just collectively break America's heart and are ones that we deeply feel, because all of us can imagine what it would be like to have been at your own school, your own college, and to have something happen. And those of us who are parents, or brothers or sisters of people at the schools have to take that into consideration.
As far as policy, the President believes that there is a right for people to bear arms, but that all laws must be followed. And certainly bringing a gun into a school dormitory and shooting -- I don't want to say numbers because I know that they're still trying to figure out many people were wounded and possibly killed, but obviously that would be against the law and something that someone should be held accountable for.
Q Columbine, Amish school shooting, now this, and a whole host of other gun issues brought into schools -- that's not including guns on the streets and in many urban areas and rural areas. Does there need to be some more restrictions? Does there need to be gun control in this country?
MS. PERINO: The President -- as I said, April, if there are changes to the President's policy we will let you know. But we've had a consistent policy of ensuring that the Justice Department is enforcing all of the gun laws that we have on the books and making sure that they're prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law.
Q Lastly, in Texas, if I'm correct, he passed legislation, no age restriction on possession of weapons, if I'm correct. Should there be some kind of federal age limit, as far as the President is concerned, raising the age for gun possession in this country?
MS. PERINO: Unfortunately, I'm going to have to go back and look at what the record was in Texas. Maybe Ken Herman could tell us. We'll go to Ken next.
And so it goes...
One more thing: interesting how nobody wondered if this was a terrorist connected shooting and nobody had to reassure us that there were no links to various terrorist organizations. If I recall correctly that was the first thing everybody wanted to know when the Salt Lake shooting happened couple of months ago.
Thursday, April 12, 2007
Wednesday, April 11, 2007
Harsh language
Another thing that's been bothering me lately. This blog stuff is very unsatisfying. Who do you talk to about people that bug you?
Tuesday, April 03, 2007
Chaney not welcome in Utah?!
Some students and faculty on one of the nation's most conservative campuses want Brigham Young University to withdraw an invitation for Vice President Dick Cheney to speak at commencement later this month.
Critics at the school question whether Cheney sets a good example for graduates, citing his promotion of faulty intelligence before the Iraq war and his role in the CIA leak scandal.
The private university, which is owned by the Mormon church, has "a heavy emphasis on personal honesty and integrity in all we do," said Warner Woodworth, a professor at BYU's business school.
Read more here.
Sunday, April 01, 2007
Saturday, March 31, 2007
Define ironic, would you?
Thursday, March 29, 2007
Dawkins & Collins
Saturday, March 17, 2007
Voting by bumpersticker?

I like Kucinich and I agree with lots of his positions. I also admire him for trying.
Thursday, March 15, 2007
Saturday, March 10, 2007
"What’s your purpose of getting solar panels? If it’s to save money, then there are better ways of doing that. Get better insulation, new windows, new furnace, turn off lights… I don’t think it’ll increase the resale value that much either. If you want to help the environment, some cities have a green power program where you pay extra and have some of your energy from renewable sources. Or do you want to be the Unabomber and live ‘off-the-grid’?".
He wouldn't want me to share it, but since he doesn't read this it's ok ;)
... My thoughts were a little unibomber, a little save the environment, and a little hybrid car. Along the lines of what could be done to a house to improve it for resale. Now $25k solar-electric is probably not a good answer but here's where the hybrid car come in. (put on your boots, Kelvin it's about to get deep!) It seems to me that the kind of people who buy/drive a hybrid are interested in saving the environment, making a statement, and doing little else. The hybrid is perfect for that. It still uses gas which is available everywhere, everyone recognizes it gets better gas mileage and therefore saves the environment. So it's hands off, low maintenance. But what about running biodiesel in a super efficient diesel like a diesel golf. One could argue that it takes a lot less energy to build the golf than a hybrid, gets great gas mileage and therefore saves the environment. So the problem is, where the hell do you get the biodiesel? So the biodiesel golf I'm going to attribute to living off the grid, unibomber style. It's high maintenance like an off the grid solar system. Whereas a grid-tied solar-electric system would be like the gas-electric hybrid, super low maintenance. It seems to me that the same kind of person who buys a hybrid car would also be interested in a solar-electric, grid-tied house. It saves the environment, makes a statement, and nothing else needs to be done. It's perfect for the apathetic environmentalist...
Monday, February 26, 2007
I like this quote:
But the 15-judge panel rejected Bosnia's claim that the Serbian state was responsible for the killing, saying it did not have effective control over the Bosnian Serb forces it had helped arm and finance.
Hmm. Not responsible. Sure. Gave a helping hand, and arm and more. Why not. We don't hold anybody responsible for that. They then continue on:
Instead, the judges ruled that Serbia stood by and allowed the massacre to happen.
Pardon my bosnian, but no shit.
The fact that the country is not responsible is not what bothers me. That the government is not responsible is what is not acceptable. And the worst part is that people who have committed the crimes will now think that they have been exonerated. They will say "See, we didn't do anything wrong. The court said so."
And, if that were not enough, let's hear more from the "Honorable" Judge Higgins:
They "were fully aware of the climate of deep-seated hatred which reigned between the Bosnian Serbs and the Muslims in the Srebrenica region."
I think few of us remember this in a slightly different light.
Update The Economist has put in its two cents.
Tuesday, February 20, 2007
Disaster expert?
...this is the place that if it were disrupted whether it's an act of god which would be potentially an earthquake or whether it's a terrorist attack....
Why did he feel compelled to declare an earthquake an act of god?!? This piece also reminded me that I should really go back and finish reading the book I started few years ago, but for some reason never finished: The Culture of Fear , especially since I find myself wrapped up in a blanket of it more often than I care to.
Wednesday, February 14, 2007
Random acts of senseless violence
No, this is not about the book, although I recommend it.
I was out of town for a few days, on a little vacation over on the west coast. After a lovely journey back home yesterday that lasted slightly longer than expected, with an overnight stay in Omaha, NE, we finally got home with about 18 hour delay. My dad's been trying to get in touch with me, so being a good daughter that I am, I im-ed him as soon as I got back home. After a perfunctory chat, he asks me about news. Well, I haven't heard any in about 5 days, and I was little at a loss as to why he'd be asking. Turns out a Bosnian kid went on a shooting spree in a mall in Salt Lake City. Why am I writing about this, apart from all the obvious reasons? There are two that may not be known: I am a Bosnian and I lived in Salt Lake City for five years. My first reaction is as everybody else's (I assume that it is) of disbelief and sorrow for all the lives that are lost. My second reaction is anger: what on earth could have made this kid do what he did? And I am even more mad because this kid lived through a war! He should know better than to take other people's lives. I read everything I could find in various papers, and then ran into comments that some people are leaving on various blog and news sites (I am sorry, but I'm not putting these links here, you can google kid's name and find them if you are so inclined). And then I got mad at these people, too. And then I got sad for those people.
Wednesday, February 07, 2007
I made this
This past year has been all about learning for me. Today I made this:
I know, it's not much. But it's cute. The other reason I'm here is that I am trying this WriteToMyBlog thingy I tried earlier today. Well earlier it ate my meaningful blog, but I can't be bothered to reproduce it. Besides, it's late.
PS It worked this time.
Sunday, February 04, 2007
My kind of camp!
Camp Quest is the first residential summer camp in the history of the United States for the children of Atheists, Freethinkers, Humanists, Brights, or whatever other terms might be applied to those who hold to a naturalistic, not supernatural world view.
Check it out!
Wednesday, January 31, 2007
Who killed the electric car?
Tuesday, January 23, 2007
Longer days, consumerism, books, time, state of the union.....
Lately I've been reading about people writing books about their "year off shopping". I try not to buy unnecessary things, but going to a bookstore is always a danger. I went yesterday to get one book, and came back home with 11. Now I just need to stop spending time at the computer, and go back to reading. Not too long ago, I decided that I've watched one too many episodes of Law and Order, so I canceled our cable and went back to reading. It felt great. Should I cancel my high speed internet? Hmmm..... I need even longer days.
My breathing hasn't been too great lately. The doctors say it's stress induced. I expect to discover how long exactly I can go without breathing later this evening. Why? The State of the Union has become stress inducing lately. If you count 5 years as lately :)
There was something else I was going to mention, but it escapes me. Oh, I got it. The Jesus Camp. Again. Well, this is the reason. I have to see the dvd now, really curious about extra scenes. But more importantly, half way down I saw a link for Friends of God: A roadtrip with Alexandra Pelosi . Yes, that Pelosi. Well, not that one, but her daughter. Anyway, the movie is on Thursday, and luckily I'll be in a hotel that has HBO and will be able to see it! Yay.
A friend is making pasta with truffles, so I better go help, since he was kind enough to come in and cook at our house :)
Sunday, January 21, 2007
Precision and war
On an unrelated note: is one's subscription to a membership of an organized religion connected to their altruistic motives? You may read a BBC's blurb or if you prefer check out Nature Neuroscience's article.
Friday, January 19, 2007
Newest insanity
Thursday, January 18, 2007
Wednesday, January 17, 2007
Sunday, January 14, 2007
Wisdom of history
On an unrelated note, during dinner hosted by a friend of mine not too long ago, his colleague, whom I hadn't met before, argued that global warming did not exist. His argument was that he had read all the scientific papers written on the subject and found their statistical analysis to be crap, which led him to the conclusion that the global warming did not exist (now that I think about this I am hoping I do not remember this event properly, because, as a mathematician, he should know better than to claim that the existence of global warming was disproved in this way). Anyhow, since I had not read scientific papers in question, I could really not argue with him. Anyway, it is middle of January in Michigan and I picked up huge clumps of hair off my

dog (the white one) last night. Global warming or not, she is not supposed to start sheding in mid January!
Sunday, January 07, 2007
Where is humanity in humans?
This evening we were going to do what humans do best: not think. In the process we were going to watch something funny. Meet Little Miss Sunshine . Funny it was, but in a scary kind of way. Kind of way where you're laughing and thinking "I can't believe people do this. What are they thinking?". They aren't. So sad.
Monday, January 01, 2007
The end of faith
Religious moderates are, in large part, responsible for the religious conflict in our world, because their beliefs provide the context in which scriptural literalism and religious violence can never be adequately opposed.
Oh, and Happy New Year!